Saturday 3 October 2020

Afdah 2020 - Illegal HD Movies Download Website - Afdah 2021

Afdah 2020 - Illegal HD Movies Download Website
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Pirated media content is a big problem in countries like the US. There are several pirated websites which cause major loss to the makers of the film. Despite the strong rules and laws, such illegal websites continue to operate with ease. Websites like Afdah online are making it difficult for the content and media professionals to do their job. Afdah download is done to access the pirated content illegally.
10 Sites Like Afdah to Watch Free Movies Online - TechPocket

About Afdah

Afdah is one of the most infamous websites which are known to leak movies. People all over the world and especially in the US access this website for Hollywood movies’ download and also to watch Hollywood movies online. The website leaks movies without proper copyrights causing major trouble to the makers and media professionals.

Other Torrent Sites like Afdah

Any criminal charges faced

So far there are no reports of any criminal charge regarding this website. But not just the website, using the Afdah website for downloading films is also illegal.


Hollywood movies, Action, Adventure, Recent Hollywood movies, Reality TV, Talk Show, Documentaries, Animated movies, Short films, etc.

Movies Leaked by Afdah website

Afdah 2020 has a wide range of movies available on its website illegally. Hollywood movies can be downloaded like Sonic The Hedgehog, Bad Boys For Life, Birds Of Prey by users on the website. The ill-famed website has leaked many Hollywood movies online like The Gentlemen, Dolittle, Pixar’s Onward, The Invisible Man, etc.

How popular is Afdah

According to, a website that provides statistics on websites across various categories, Afdah has a global Alexa Rank of 7,823. This rank is based on traffic data collected by across a large number of internet users throughout the world. According to, the popularity of Afdah has increased over the last 90 days as its Global Alexa Rank changed from 10,130 to 7,823. Additionally, indicates that 5.62 pages on this site are browsed daily per user with daily time spent on the site being 4.23 minutes.

Worldwide Google Trends analysis of Afdah’ search interest for the past 12 months

Country Wise Search Interest 

What is the estimated worth of Afdah website

According to, a website that provides details on the worth of websites, Afdah has an estimated worth of US$ 23,210,000. This estimated worth is based on’s automated estimation of the advertising revenue of a website based on its public traffic and ranking data, including data from Also, Afdah not only affects the movie business by distributing pirated content but according to, it is also estimated to make advertising revenues of US $1,323,360 annually through an estimated 88,247,880 visits per year that browse an estimated 441,170,280 pages per year 
Disclaimer – Republic World does not aim to promote or condone piracy in any way. Piracy is an act of crime and is considered a serious offence under the Copyright Act of 1957. This page aims to inform the general public about piracy and encourage them to be safe from such acts. We further request you not to encourage or engage in piracy in any form.